Herb of the Month
The Cottage March/Ostara 2002


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This Month Calendula(Pot Marigold)

This month The Crones would like to welcome Pearlmoon to our staff. Pearlmoon will be writing the herb of the month feature. Welcome Pearl you've done a great job.
Brightest Blessings,

Calendula Officinalis or Pot Marigold

Other Names: Holigold, Summer's Bride, Bride of The Sun, Drunkard, Goldes, Sponsa Solis or Spouse of The Sun

Magickal Associations:
Gender- Masculine
Planet- Sun
Element- Fire
Magickal Influences- Psychic dreams, protection, legal matters.


In midevil times the entire flower including the stem was used as a garnish on dinner plates. The calendula is native to Egypt and the Mediterranean, but today it is grown around the world. The colors range from a soft yellow known as the "Lemon Queen", to radiant orange known as the "Orange King". The "Nankeen" is known as the varigated type with the deep orange or burgandy like center. When in bright sunshine the flower heads give off a rich fragrance that fills the air. I love walking past them in the back yard, that whole area of the yard is sented by them. I have been known to take a chair and a good book and just sit next to the flower bed and read immersed in the beautiful sent. Calendula is also known as a wheather predictor. If the flower heads fail to open at the break of day, then it means it's going to rain.

Growing And Cultivation

Calendula means "First Day Of The Month". It was given this name due to it's long flowering season. The seeds can be planted indoors or directly in your garden in loose soil and in a good amount of sunlight. Germination is about 10 to 14 days at a temperature of about 65 to 70 drgrees. If planted by late May they should bloom by July, and will flower up until the first frost. They can grow anywhere from 12 to 24 inches tall. They grow best in full sunshine but can tolerate some shade. What ever you do, don't plant them in a well shaded area, they won't grow well in full shade. Can you tell I've had some personal experience here? Yup, I learned the hard way. They can also be sown in autum for an early flowering in the spring. I admit though, I'm the lazy type with these. I go to the nursery here and buy the seedlings. They bloom faster.

Magickal Uses

It is said that if the flowers are scattered under the bed at bedtime they will protect you while you sleep. Also by doing this it is said you could have prophetic dreams. Sniffing fresh calendula flowers will sharpen the eyesight. The flowers were also sniffed to ease emotional stress. Maybe that's why I like smelling them so much. String a row of the flowers over the doorway of your home to prevent evil form entering.

Medicinal Uses

Calendula is used in wound healing because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. At the time of the Civil War, a tea mixture was made and bandages were dipped into it then applied to the wounds of the soldiers at the makeshift hospitals of the time. It also has antifungal properties that make it a good treatment for skin disorders like athelet's foot. It is also noted for promoting new tissue growth. Calendula is said to be a good treatment for menstrual pain as well as canker sores, gallbladder problems,and gastric disorders like ulcers and colitis.

As with many herbal remedies, all chemical components of the calendula work together synergistically to produce an overall healing effect. Researchers have found that there is no one single active chemical that gives the caneldula its healing abilities.

WARNING: If you are taking any kind of regularly scheduled medications, consult your doctor before begining any herbal therapy. Also find out as much about it as you can before taking it. Do not use herbal remedies with children under 2 years of age. If you are pregnant or breast feeding, do not use herbal remedies unless prescribed by your doctor.

Cosmetic Uses

Calendula cream is known for its positive effect on the skin. It is used for acne, diaper rash, and dry skin. It comes avaliable in lotions, creams, oils and tinctures, or in dried or fresh flowers. Also used in minimizing the effects of varicose viens. As I have a job that keeps me on my feet most of the time I am at work, I make full use of this particular cosmetic application. I don't even want to know what my legs would look like if I didn't use this stuff on them.

Culinary Uses

Calendula petals are used in rice dishes, salads, fish dishes,in soups and in wine making. Also in dessrets like pudding.

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of dried calendula petals. Steep for 10 to 15 min. then strain.

Drink twice a dayto improve circulation. Gargle with this tea a few times a day to relieve a sore throat from a cold.

For skin irritations, soak a compress in calendula tea and apply to the wound twice a day for 30 min. each time.

1 cup olive oil
2/3 cup clendula petals
1 ounce bees wax
2 teaspoons honey
Place ingredient in a double boiler on very low heat for 20 to 30 min. Strain. Pour into clean dark glass jars. Store in cool dry area. Use for cuts, burns, sores, bruises, dry skin or chapped hands.


4 fresh or dried marigold heads
1 tablespoon cocoa butter
1 teaspoon lanolin
1/2 cup olive oil
Place in top of double boiler on very low heat. Melt cocoa butter, lanolin, and olive oil. Let set on low heat for 10 to 15 min. Strain into a mixing bowl and beat until cooled. Store in a clean dark glass jar.



Boil 1 cup distilled water, add 1/2 cup of witch hazle, add 1/4 cup marigold petals. Steep for 15 min. Let set overnight. Add 4 to 6 ounces of rose water. Refregerate. Apply to face after washing or use as a cold compress over varicose viens.


1 cup corn starch
1/4 cup calendula petals (powdered)
1/4 cup chamomile flowers (powdered)
1 drop chamomile essential oil
1 drop calendula essential oil

Mix all ingredients and store in a cool dry area.


3/4 cup milk
1 1/2 teaspoons crushed dried marigold petals
2 cups sifted flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoon vegetable oil
4 tablespoons honey
1 egg

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Heat milk to boiling, add crushed petals. In seperate bowl, sift the flour ,baking soda and salt. Add honey and egg to milk mixture ad combine with dry ingredients. Fill muffin cups 2/3 full and bake for 20 min.


1 pint milk
1 cup calendula petals
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoon sugar
small piece of vanilla bean
3 egg yolks
1teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon rosewater

Bring milk and vanilla bean to a boil. Crush calendula petals and scald them with the milk and vanilla bean. Remove the vanilla bean and add slightly beaten egg yolks, salt and sugar mixed with the spices. Cook in a sauce pan ubtil the mixture coats the spoon. Add rose water and cool. It may be poured into a dish and baked like a custard. Serve with whipped cream and garnish witha calendula blossom.

MARIGOLD WINE source unknown

1 quart marigold petals firmly packed
1/2 pound chopped golden rasins
2 1/2 pounds granulated sugar
1 medium orange
7 1/2 pints water
1 teaspoon yeast nutreint
1 pkt. wine yeast

Put water on to boil, stirring sugar in until dissolved. Prepare zest from orange peel and then extract juice from the pulp. Put marigold petals, chopped rasins, and zest of orange in nylon straining bag and tie closed. Put in primary with yeast nutrient and pour boiling water over bag. Cover primary and set aside to cool. When room temperature or slightly warm, add activated yeast. Recover the primary and gently squeeze the bag twicw a day for 5 to 6 days. Squeeze bag to extract liquid, disguard contence of bag and recover the primary. Allow to settle overnight then rack into a secondary. Fit airlock and set aside to continue fermentation. Rack, top up and refit airlock after 30 days, then again after an additional 60 days. Set in a cool place for 4 months, checking airlock periodically for tight seal. Rack, stabilize and sweeten to taste if desired, but this wine is very good dry. If sweetened set aside an aditional 14 days to check for signs of refermentation. If none or if wine is not sweetened , carefully rack into bottles and celler 12 months before tasting.


Take fresh or dried marigold petalt and sprinkle around your home. While sprinkling the petals recite this spell.

Oh flower of the sun,
protect this home and all who live here.
Let evil come not from far or near.
By law of three and harm ye none,
Let this spell be cast and done.
So mote it be.


Email Pearlmoon